1. About the cooperative Commission of Malaysia (SKM)
1.01 What is a Cooperative Commission of Malaysia (SKM)?
The cooperative Commission of Malaysia (SKM) is an entity that was incorporated on 1 January 2008. MGS formerly known as Jabatan Pembangunan Koperasi Malaysia (JPK) and has been around since 1922.
1.02 what are the objectives of MGS?
I. Stimulating cooperative development and a strong cooperative sector and organized according to values
as well as the principles of cooperatives to contribute towards the achievement of the objectives of the National socio-economic;
II. Encourage the sector its financial operatives, progressive and sustainable; and
III. maintain confidence in the cooperative movement.
as well as the principles of cooperatives to contribute towards the achievement of the objectives of the National socio-economic;
II. Encourage the sector its financial operatives, progressive and sustainable; and
III. maintain confidence in the cooperative movement.
1.03 what is the function of SKM?
- encourage and maintain the stability of the cooperative sector;
- Encourage and promote the development of cooperatives and the cooperative sector and
- orderly;
- Acting as trustee and for dealing with any Islamic financing scheme or
- a line of credit established by the Malaysian Government to cooperatives;
- Advise the Minister on all matters relating to cooperatives and the cooperative sector;
- exercising any function under any other written law as required
- the Minister may, by notification published in the Gazette;
- Responsible for the monitor, supervise and regulate co-operatives and co-operative sector;
- To preserve the cooperative values and principles;
- register and cancel registration of cooperatives;
- to conduct the appropriate environment for cooperatives to carry out its activities.
1:04 Are Mission and Vision MCSC?
Vision SKM:
"Leaders of Excellence Cooperative For Making Effective Contributors to National Development"
Mission SKM:
i. Cooperatives are competitive, resilient, competitive, progressive and integrity;
ii. Increased participation of cooperatives in various sectors of the economy;
iii. Competent human capital and entrepreneurial culture.
"Leaders of Excellence Cooperative For Making Effective Contributors to National Development"
Mission SKM:
i. Cooperatives are competitive, resilient, competitive, progressive and integrity;
ii. Increased participation of cooperatives in various sectors of the economy;
iii. Competent human capital and entrepreneurial culture.
1.05 What are the main services offered by SKM?
- registration of cooperative
- Capital Funds Financing Round
- Cooperative Development Assistance Grants
- Service accounts and auditing
- legal advisory services
1.06 how to set up and register a co-operative?
1.07 who are eligible to apply for funding Capital Fund Round (TMP-DSD)?
All co-operative society registered under the co-operative Societies Act 1993 (Act 502) are eligible to apply.
1.08 what types of funding offered TMP-DSD?
i. Capital Rounds
a. business;
b. industrial/industrial contract work;
c. Credit;
d. Islamic pawn;
e. tourism, health and personal care.
II. Housing
a. temporary Financing (Bridging loan);
b. purchase of land and the payment of a premium.
III. Land/Building
a. temporary Financing (Bridging loan);
b. purchase of land/buildings/factories;
c. payment of premium;
d. building construction;
e. Modify/repair buildings
IV. Farming/Livestock/Agriculture
a. acquisition of land and to pay the land premium;
b. purchase of farms;
c. the development of farm and livestock
v. Vehicle/Machinery
a. Pembeliaan vehicles and machinery
a. business;
b. industrial/industrial contract work;
c. Credit;
d. Islamic pawn;
e. tourism, health and personal care.
II. Housing
a. temporary Financing (Bridging loan);
b. purchase of land and the payment of a premium.
III. Land/Building
a. temporary Financing (Bridging loan);
b. purchase of land/buildings/factories;
c. payment of premium;
d. building construction;
e. Modify/repair buildings
IV. Farming/Livestock/Agriculture
a. acquisition of land and to pay the land premium;
b. purchase of farms;
c. the development of farm and livestock
v. Vehicle/Machinery
a. Pembeliaan vehicles and machinery
1.09 What is the criteria of funds TMP-JPK?
i. maximum Limit for a cooperative financing was $ 10 million, the cooperative school eligible to apply for funding up to a maximum of RM50, 000.00 only;
II. Funded project implemented by the cooperative;
III. Financing up to 90% of the cost of the project or the current value of the collateral, whichever is the lower;
IV. Total not more than 90% of the value of the collateral assets and 100% for fixed deposits;
v. income from the proposed project can repay the financing;
vi. The maximum period of repayment for funding <rm50,000 -="" 5="" tahun,="">of RM50, 000 to RM10 million-20 years
II. Funded project implemented by the cooperative;
III. Financing up to 90% of the cost of the project or the current value of the collateral, whichever is the lower;
IV. Total not more than 90% of the value of the collateral assets and 100% for fixed deposits;
v. income from the proposed project can repay the financing;
vi. The maximum period of repayment for funding <rm50,000 -="" 5="" tahun,="">of RM50, 000 to RM10 million-20 years
1.10 What are the form of collateral financing TMP-DSD required?
I. fixed assets such as land and buildings;
II. Indent work;
III. Bank fixed deposits;
IV. Vehicle
II. Indent work;
III. Bank fixed deposits;
IV. Vehicle
1.11 What are the characteristics of the financing application which is not DSD-TMP considered?
i. Financing for projects of subsidiaries;
II. Stock investing;
III. Project contrary to Islamic law
II. Stock investing;
III. Project contrary to Islamic law
1.12 what is the advantages of TMP-JPK apply for funding?
I. profit rate/low interest i.e. 1%-6% and is calculated based on the monthly balance subject to the financing amount;
II. Financing of RM50, 000 and below do not require collateral;
III. The period of delay (grace period) can be given up to six months without profit/interest;
IV. Second and subsequent financing may be considered provided that satisfactory repayment record (no arrears).
II. Financing of RM50, 000 and below do not require collateral;
III. The period of delay (grace period) can be given up to six months without profit/interest;
IV. Second and subsequent financing may be considered provided that satisfactory repayment record (no arrears).
1.13 What is the processing fee charged to TMP-DSD?
i. Payment process applies at a rate of 0.07% for every RM1.00 approval;
II. Minimum-RM 7.00; But there is-RM 700.00
III. Financing agreement-RM 1.00
II. Minimum-RM 7.00; But there is-RM 700.00
III. Financing agreement-RM 1.00
1.14 what is the procedure to apply for funding TMP-MGS?
i. use the application form which is available at the State, Territory and the SKM Website MGS;
ii. The cooperative must submit the following documents:
a. project papers;
b. cash flow projections and Estimated profit and loss of the project;
c. the audited financial statements up to date;
d. an extract of the minutes of general meetings and Board meetings;
e. the statement of Receipts and payments and Bank statements for three months;
f. other documents that can support applications;
g. applications must be submitted to the Office of MGS oversees the cooperative concerned
ii. The cooperative must submit the following documents:
a. project papers;
b. cash flow projections and Estimated profit and loss of the project;
c. the audited financial statements up to date;
d. an extract of the minutes of general meetings and Board meetings;
e. the statement of Receipts and payments and Bank statements for three months;
f. other documents that can support applications;
g. applications must be submitted to the Office of MGS oversees the cooperative concerned
1.15 what are the grant development assistance offered?
i. Basic Assistance (maximum of RM30, 000)
a. Sub physical assistance
Intended to help provide the basic infrastructure for co-operative business premises or places where the cooperative activities will be ongoing as modifications/premises/shops, provision of equipment and production equipment, machinery and so on.
b. Sub new cooperative assistance
Intended to help provide basic infrastructure as an encouragement or incentives to cooperatives-cooperative newly registered to start the activity/business viable.
II. Assistance in strengthening/enhancement (Minimum RM30, 000)
Aimed at strengthening and consolidating activities/co-operative business so that the services provided to members, so that the image of cooperatives among society and the contribution of co-operatives in national development be enhanced, in line with the National Cooperative Policy (DKN).
III. Modernization assistance cooperative store (a maximum of RM50, 000)
This aid aims to modernize and forming consistency of brands at the grocery store cooperative to increase the ability to be more competitive.
a. Sub physical assistance
Intended to help provide the basic infrastructure for co-operative business premises or places where the cooperative activities will be ongoing as modifications/premises/shops, provision of equipment and production equipment, machinery and so on.
b. Sub new cooperative assistance
Intended to help provide basic infrastructure as an encouragement or incentives to cooperatives-cooperative newly registered to start the activity/business viable.
II. Assistance in strengthening/enhancement (Minimum RM30, 000)
Aimed at strengthening and consolidating activities/co-operative business so that the services provided to members, so that the image of cooperatives among society and the contribution of co-operatives in national development be enhanced, in line with the National Cooperative Policy (DKN).
III. Modernization assistance cooperative store (a maximum of RM50, 000)
This aid aims to modernize and forming consistency of brands at the grocery store cooperative to increase the ability to be more competitive.
1.16 how to make application development grant?
The application shall be sent to the headquarters of the MGS through MGS State. Applications must be made using the application form for development assistance. For applications that exceed RM30, 000.00, project papers shall be prepared.
i. information required
a. the application form;
b. letter of support SKM Territory and State;
c. Problems facing cooperatives;
d. list of detailed requirements and costs;
e. Draw the minutes of meetings of the Board;
f. other information and photographs support;
g. statement of receipts and payments for 3 months;
h. Audit reports 2 years up to date.
II. Application Fee
No application fee charged.
III.The Secretariat Of The Development Assistance
The Secretariat manages the development assistance was part of the policy and planning development, the cooperative Commission of Malaysia.
IV. MCSC Development Assistance Committee
Application of cooperative assistance will be considered and decided by the MCSC development assistance Committee.
i. information required
a. the application form;
b. letter of support SKM Territory and State;
c. Problems facing cooperatives;
d. list of detailed requirements and costs;
e. Draw the minutes of meetings of the Board;
f. other information and photographs support;
g. statement of receipts and payments for 3 months;
h. Audit reports 2 years up to date.
II. Application Fee
No application fee charged.
III.The Secretariat Of The Development Assistance
The Secretariat manages the development assistance was part of the policy and planning development, the cooperative Commission of Malaysia.
IV. MCSC Development Assistance Committee
Application of cooperative assistance will be considered and decided by the MCSC development assistance Committee.
1.17 Apakah jenis-jenis perkhidmatan atas talian yang ditawarkan SKM?
Yes, applicants can access the site CERTIFICATE in http://www.skm.gov.my/ for more information.
2. About Cooperative
2.01 what is a cooperative?
The cooperative means a body people autonomous Emirates on a voluntary basis to meet the needs and aspirations of economic, social and cultural of the same by an enterprise owned jointly and individually-controlled democracy registered under the co-operative Societies Act 1993.
2.02 what are the characteristics of the cooperative?
i. implement Cooperative economic activities to meet the needs of its members;
II. The cooperative rather than political overtones. Members may not use cooperatives as a place be in politics;
III. The cooperative rather than trade unions (TradeUnion). The cooperative concept is please help each other, not with the way the fight to claim the rights of employers;
IV. The cooperative rather than charitable bodies;
v. co-operative members manage and control the co-operative travel based on acts, regulations and by-laws of the cooperative;
vi. Share and fees contributed by members as capital doing business cooperatives;
VII.Every Member has the same rights in making decisions about the future of the cooperative;
VIII. The liability of members is limited to capital contributions and or the price only;
IX. This popular cooperatives needs and services to members in advance of the search for profit.
II. The cooperative rather than political overtones. Members may not use cooperatives as a place be in politics;
III. The cooperative rather than trade unions (TradeUnion). The cooperative concept is please help each other, not with the way the fight to claim the rights of employers;
IV. The cooperative rather than charitable bodies;
v. co-operative members manage and control the co-operative travel based on acts, regulations and by-laws of the cooperative;
vi. Share and fees contributed by members as capital doing business cooperatives;
VII.Every Member has the same rights in making decisions about the future of the cooperative;
VIII. The liability of members is limited to capital contributions and or the price only;
IX. This popular cooperatives needs and services to members in advance of the search for profit.
2.03 what is cooperative principles?
i. voluntary and open Membership;
II. Democratic control by members;
III. Member involvement in economic activities;
IV. Freedom of autonomy;
v. education, training and information;
vi. Cooperation among cooperatives-cooperative;
VII. Concerned to the community.
II. Democratic control by members;
III. Member involvement in economic activities;
IV. Freedom of autonomy;
v. education, training and information;
vi. Cooperation among cooperatives-cooperative;
VII. Concerned to the community.
2.04 what are the benefits of co-operatives to you?
i. members of the cooperative through possession of the share capital and contributed fee and become
user services and goods offered by cooperatives. The Member hereby berhad
determine the types of goods and services required.
II. The cooperative offers quality products at affordable prices to members
its members. In addition, the cooperative also provides facilities guaranteed savings and loans at reasonable interest rates.
III. Members enjoy return on subscription, contributed capital and active participation in the management and cooperative activities. Part of the profits cooperative
assigned to the welfare fund to finance charitable activities such as children's Education Fund members, funeral and contribution to the activities of the
community activities.
user services and goods offered by cooperatives. The Member hereby berhad
determine the types of goods and services required.
II. The cooperative offers quality products at affordable prices to members
its members. In addition, the cooperative also provides facilities guaranteed savings and loans at reasonable interest rates.
III. Members enjoy return on subscription, contributed capital and active participation in the management and cooperative activities. Part of the profits cooperative
assigned to the welfare fund to finance charitable activities such as children's Education Fund members, funeral and contribution to the activities of the
community activities.
2.05 What activities can be carried out by cooperative?
The cooperative is an entity registered as a different business entity. This meant that the cooperative can perform business activities as set out below:
Banking and credit;
i. Agriculture;
II. Housing;
III. Industrial;
IV. Users;
v. Construction;
vi. Transport;
VII. Service
However, under the plan of action of the National Cooperative Policy (DKN), co-operatives are encouraged to engage in the 5 results area high economic activity, namely:
i. financial services
II. Wholesale and retail trade
III. Travel, personal care and Wellness
IV. Agriculture and agro-based industry
v. Plantation
Banking and credit;
i. Agriculture;
II. Housing;
III. Industrial;
IV. Users;
v. Construction;
vi. Transport;
VII. Service
However, under the plan of action of the National Cooperative Policy (DKN), co-operatives are encouraged to engage in the 5 results area high economic activity, namely:
i. financial services
II. Wholesale and retail trade
III. Travel, personal care and Wellness
IV. Agriculture and agro-based industry
v. Plantation