Our Background

Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission of Malaysia (SKM) is an entity that was incorporated on January 1, 2008. SKM was formerly known as the Co-operative Development Department of Malaysia (JPK).

At its inception in July 1922, the department called The Office of The Director of Co-operation serves to form, register and develop co-operatives under The Co-operative Societies Enactment 1922 [FMS Cap. 97 of 1935] and was assigned to guide and develop the cooperative movement.

The first headquarters was located in Taiping, Perak. It then moved to Kuala Lumpur in 1924.

The Cooperation Development Department name was then changed to the Department of Co-operative Development (JPK) in the late seventies. Enactment 1922 has been repealed and replaced by the Akta Koperasi 1948 (Revised in 1983).

Akta Koperasi 1993 (Act 502) was subsequently enacted to consolidate the law of co-operatives across Malaysia and came into effect on January 22, 1994.

Our Objectives
  • Stimulate the strong and stable development of cooperatives and the cooperative sector according to the values and principles of cooperatives to contribute to the achievement of the national socio-economic development objectives;
  • Encourage co-operative sector to be financially sound, progressive and sustainable; and;
  • Maintaining the confidence in the co-operative movement.
Our Function
  • Promote and maintain the stability of the co-operative sector;
  • Encourage and promote the strong and stable development of co-operatives and the co-operative;
  • Act as trustee and to manage any Islamic financing scheme or credit facility established by the Government of Malaysia for co-operatives;
  • Advise the Minister on all matters relating to co-operatives and the co-operative sector;
  • To carry out any functions under any other written laws as prescribed by the Minister by the notice published in the Gazette;
  • Responsible for monitoring, supervising and regulating the cooperatives and the cooperative sector;
  • Maintain co-operative values and principles;
  • Registering and canceling the registration of co-operatives;
  • Create the conducive environment for cooperatives to conduct their activities.